Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mayne Island Glass Foundry

This week I would like to feature local glass artist Mark Lauchner, whose art I carry at Urban Oasis.

The Glass Blowing Studio of Mark Lauckner


small scale glass-recycling business

The Mayne Island Glass Foundry is dedicated to
the process of making environmentally friendly glass art and
designing super energy-efficient studio glass equipment.

I love the slugs best, I tell customers they are guard slugs, like scare crows to ward of other slug thugs in your garden-hood. I think I am funny?

The starfish are popular


He also makes an assortment of bowls, seahorses, and other treasures.

check out Mark's website to see how he creates his pieces


CanadianGardenJoy said...

I love glass art in the garden .. the way the sun reflects on it through out different seasons is a beautiful process to watch .. I think those slugs are fantastic ! .. I'll take a starfish too please ? LOL
Joy : )

Stone Art's Blog said...

Lovely. would love to try my hand at some glass art sometime.